#30daycrazyfarewellchallenge - Day 30 - I See a Celebration

30 April 2023

We have finally reached Day 30 of our #30daycrazyfarewellchallenge!  Can you believe it is the end of April already?!?  How time flies!!

Today's theme is "I See a Celebration".

I decided to make this card a "Congratulations" Card - that way I can use it for an engagement, wedding, anniversary...anything really that deserves celebrating!

The daily challenges are being uploaded to my Instagram throughout April 2023 - click here to follow me on Instagram and join in the fun!  You can participate in as many of the daily challenges as you like - all you have to do is use the hashtag #30daycrazyfarewellchallenge and state which day's challenge you are doing.

Unable to participate?  Just search the hashtag to see the amazing creations from all the participants!

30 days = 30 challenges = 30 cards!

I'm so busy creating this month that I won't be able to list all the products used in each challenge.

In the meantime, Just Keep Smiling...

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